Purple wine glasses
Purple wine glasses

purple wine glasses

purple wine glasses

We also grabbed several packs of plastic shot glasses.


Honestly, these glasses may be the greatest bargain in a store full of great bargains! (Along with the big bags of Wise Cheese Puffs, but we won’t talk about those right now.) We made a bee line for the glassware and cleaned out their inventory of stemless wine glasses. Our next stop was Dollar Tree, conveniently located in the same strip mall. Her indecision broken, we headed to the cashier.

purple wine glasses

“They’re a dollar, my babes! We’ll get them both!” I said. I grabbed them from her hand and tossed them in the basket. “Uhhhh, I don’t know.” She said, as she tried to pick one over the other. We collected a whole bunch of them in our basket, but then my babes started hemming and hawing over two different shades of yellow. With the proper curing and a short visit to the oven, glasses painted with the multi-surface paint are dishwasher safe.Įven better, those paints were on sale for $1 each! So we hopped in the car and headed out for the one-two combo of Michael’s and Dollar Tree.ĭecoArt makes a multi-surface paint that is perfect for glass. My splashings and sputterings amuse my babes, and she’ll run down to the pool to photograph the delightful aquatic attraction before it tires and hauls itself onto the deck a few minutes later.Īnd thus, the summer wears on – drinks and dinners and a lot of idle gazing. So, I’ll go find a bathing suit, waddle to the water’s edge and throw myself in like a walrus heaving itself from an iceberg into the frigid depths of Baffin Bay. Someone has to use the damn thing, after all! Refreshed and fortified, I may announce that I’m going for a dip. While I fantasize about pouring 100 tons of beautiful concrete into the pool, we raise our glasses and toast another day in the history books. I slouch into my chair and glower at the pool.ĭamn pool. She looks out past the pool at the gardens, and her eyes drink in the evening splendor of our years of hard work. She rocks back and forth, shot glass in one hand, Coke Zero in the other. Handan brings her feet up onto the seat cushion and tucks her knees under her chin. We then head out onto our deck (weather permitting) and ease our aging bones onto the cushions of our deck chairs. This is accompanied by a glass of cold Coke Zero. When the workday is done, I pour a shot of chilled vodka for Handan. We have a summertime ritual here at the Navage Patch.

Purple wine glasses